What is a CFD?
A CFD is a graph showing the state of the work over a period of time based on data acquired from Kanban.
More in-depth explanations available at Wikipedia, Google and David J Anderson.
Graphs and colours…I want one
To create a CFD is pretty straight forward. The number of stories in each state represented on the board need to be recorded on a regular basis. Daily is typical. With the data a chart can be generated, plotting the accumulated data against time.
Colours are great but why do I need one?
There is a host of reasons why using CFDs are a good idea. Personally, I like the fact that from a relatively small amount of easily obtainable data a huge amount of information can be discovered. The information can provide some very revealing insights into the flow of the work.
Insights sound interesting, like what…
It is probably best to use a real world example. The commentary and insights below were gained after studying this CFD.
The CFD is from a project where the time and cost were fixed with the scope being variable. Effectively a time box where as much as possible was to be delivered.
Backlog (ideas hangout)
- Although there are stories added throughout the duration of the project there are a couple of big bangs (19/08 & 31/08). Ideally all stories should be added on a regular, free flowing basis.
- Approximately 40% of the stories created were not done - how much time was spent on creating the stories that were effectively wasted (not much)?
Refinement (ideas thought about)
- There were always some stories being ‘refined’. One might assume that is a good thing as stories were always being thought about and made ready for development.
UX & Design (interface)
- The state was only used within the first couple of weeks. This might have been due to that being the time when the front end was being designed and refined before it was developed.
Ready to go (blast off)
- A large number of stories were ready to go in week 2, for the full week. Not one story moved from this state during the week. Not a good thing, the board will have looked pretty stagnant at this time.
- A couple of stories ended the time box as being refined - this means time and effort was spent on doing the work to get them into this state and that was wasted.
In progress (rolling)
- Week 3 saw many stories in progress, perhaps too many. How many people were in the team and how many of the stories were actually being worked on? Were there blockers stopping the progress of the stories?
Ready to verify (awaiting testing)
- Stories were not sat in the queue for very long. Actively being tested as soon as available.
- Bit of queue building up towards the end of the time box, was this caused by the knowledge the time was closing?
Verfying (is it ok)
- Some stories were stuck in verifying for a long time. Possibly there was no environment available to complete the verification?
Verified (done the thing right)
- Some of the stories are in verified for a small period of time, suggesting they were accepted almost immediately.
- The last week or so saw a few stories stack up in verified. This was due to environment problems. Once that was sorted the stories quickly moved into accepted.
Accepted (done the right thing)
- It was 2 weeks before anymore than 2 stories were accepted.
- It looks like the stories were accepted in chunks rather than when they were ready to be accepted. Is this due to the person accepting them not being available or engaged or some other reason?
Waste (…)
- The stories added around 19/08 - were they wasted 27/08? If so, why were they created and perhaps this should not happen in the future?