🎉 TeamCity Pipeline - iteration two
Now I have had the TeamCity build pipeline running for a while I have had chance to review how it works. I have made a number of changes which I have summarised, along with the reasoning below. ...
Now I have had the TeamCity build pipeline running for a while I have had chance to review how it works. I have made a number of changes which I have summarised, along with the reasoning below. ...
As I was reviewing the TeamCity build configuration I’d setup with my colleagues, it was pointed out every build was creating a new NuGet package. Not great when you consider every branch was triggering a build and most of those branches were not master. ...
Working with a non-cloud hosted Git remote I often work in environments where the code is centrally stored in TFS. And as I hate, HATE, HATE TFS I have to find other ways to interact with the VCS to keep my sanity. GitTFS to the rescue. I’ve written about this before. ...
In order to provide a consistent development environment between team members as well as making it easier to do physical pair programming sharing a .gitconfig is a good thing to do. After all, when using another person’s machine there are few things more annoying than not having access to the same shortcuts you rely on. ...
It has been a while since I setup a build configuration in TeamCity. I thought I would record what I did this time around. ...
I really enjoy introducing people to Git. Pretty much without fail they see how much better their development work-flow can be and find their work more enjoyable as a result. This is especially true if they are coming from a TFS background. See how I work with Git and TFS. However, with pleasure comes pain. For Git, that pain is in getting over the learning curve. The size and steepness of the curve varies depending on previous experience of Version Control Systems. In my experience, TFS does not provide a good base knowledge to work from as it tries to hide as much as possible from the user. Clearly Git is doing a lot for you too but the way it works is more exposed. For example, even the most basic of things like adding files into the index can seem strange to a TFS user. ...
Ever since the recent lengthy and complete outage of Gliffy, I have been thinking about how I could (should that be a should?) protect myself when working with SaaS. Everything is sorted now and Gliffy have a post explaining a bit more detail on the outage. One of the takeaways from that being disaster recovery plans should probably be practiced more often. ...
I was recently asked to provide a link to an article that had resonated with me in the recent past. The first thing I did was provide a link to my twitter account to that person. Thinking (hoping) the question would be answered. The second thing I did was to go through some of my time line to see what articles I had tweeted about. One of the things I found was I didn’t tweet all that often about articles I find align well to how I think. There are some but there is a lot of stuff I read and do nothing with. There are even fewer tweets about things I don’t feel align well with me which is probably a good thing! ...
This post has been one I’ve been meaning to write for months and months. Finally, I’ve got round to it! This does mean specifics are going to be few and far between… ...
Pipelines in Heroku are pretty awesome. This is how I went about setting up a Node.js app to have automated deployments for all pull requests, an automated deployment to the staging environment and a manual stage for promoting to the production environment. Pretty much a bread and butter pipeline. (This is an image heavy post) ...