⚒️ Hack day lite
This is a post I have been sat on for some time. In fact the date of the day in question was 01/02/2016 so some details are going to be a little inaccurate but hopefully the essence is maintained. ...
This is a post I have been sat on for some time. In fact the date of the day in question was 01/02/2016 so some details are going to be a little inaccurate but hopefully the essence is maintained. ...
After having added a new remote to my local git repository via git remote add other-remote [email protected]:user/other-repo I wanted to checkout one of the branches from that remote. ...
I have written a bit about how to make your commit messages more insightful. ...
A good commit message is a hard thing to do. ...
There are so many resources available to help you get going with AngularJS it can be difficult to know where to start. ...
The majority of my coding time is spent in the back-end, so to speak. Mostly within a Microsoft environment. When an opportunity arises to discard the shackles of Visual Studio I figuratively leap at the chance. ...
Using git branch -r to check the list of branches on the remote can often lead to a long list of branches making it difficult to tell which are active e.g. ...
A collection of Powershell snippets I have found useful. Set the title of the window: (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "New Window Title" ...
The team I work in uses Trello to visualise our work. Some of the team have been using similar tools in order to facilitate work visualisation for several years. Other members are much newer to the concept. Recently the team had a refresher session to bring everybody up to a similar level of understanding. ...
How do you generate attributes for html elements that have a dash (-) in them through a C# view template engine while using object initialiser syntax? ...