๐Ÿ““ What set this value?

Ever wanted to know what value a variable has and where it was set from in Vim? ...

<span title='2024-09-04 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>04 September 2024</span>&nbsp;ยท&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;ยท&nbsp;Steve Hunt

๐Ÿ““ Access env vars in Neovim

Accessing an environment variable within Neovim from a lua script is straight forward. It is just a case of calling vim.env.env-var-name where env-var-name is the name of the environment variable e.g. ...

<span title='2022-08-24 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>24 August 2022</span>&nbsp;ยท&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;ยท&nbsp;Steve Hunt